
  • TBD 

The 圣保罗 警察 Department (SPPD) is now taking applications for people interested in joining a cohort for the Law Enforcement Career Path Academy. 
The 圣保罗 警察 Department is interested in creating a department which reflects the demographics of the community we serve by creating a pathway for community members to enter law enforcement. The SPPD Law Enforcement Career Path Academy (LECPA) is for young adults who are interested in becoming 圣保罗 警察 Officers but may face financial and/or other barriers to attending college and finding employment. 与美国志愿队合作, the Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties (CAP) and Century College, the SPPD has developed a comprehensive program that gives participants an opportunity to begin a law enforcement program that may eventually qualify them to become 圣保罗 警察 Officers after earning an Associate’s degree. 符合条件的参与者将在学习生活技能的同时获得两周的津贴, 上大学, and receive the necessary social support services to allow them to achieve a successful career in law enforcement.

  • 每两周领取一次津贴(目前为686美元).54) for up to 450 hours which includes time attending classes and providing service work by participating in SPPD community outreach events in the first 3 months of employment
    • 参加者将获发两套LECPA制服,以便在活动期间穿着.
  • 接受世纪学院的职业咨询和个性化指导
    • 个人筛选和大学成功安置
  • The program pays for the first 5 college credits towards a Law Enforcement associate degree
    • 大学成功策略课程(2学分)
    • 警察 & 社区课程(3学分)
    • 注意:这些课程日期待定
  • 获得心理健康/急救证书——8小时课程   
  • 参与者同意与美国服务队签订特定的年度合同时数, and upon successful completion are eligible for an educational award of approximately $6,350. 学生在获得学位的同时可以获得最多两个教育奖项 
  • 有资格申请最高6美元的奖学金,000 (based on available funds and number of scholarship applicants) after passing the Peace Officer’s Standards & 培训执照考试


  • 接受就业过渡援助
  • Complete training hours while attending school and staff community engagement opportunities for the SPPD
  • 与SPPD的LECPA项目人员保持每日/每周的联系
  • 有没有宣誓就职的警官担任顾问
  • Have opportunities to ride along with SPPD officers to experience and better understand the job of a 警察 Officer
  • 接受社区行动伙伴计划的支援
    • 帮助管理学校的责任 
    • Support for life emergencies such as day care, transportation, help with utility bills, etc.
    • 个性化的理财计划
  • Be eligible to apply for a position with the 圣保罗 警察 Department after earning an associate degree


  1. 必须年满18岁 
  2. 必须有高中文凭或高中毕业证书.E.D.
  3. 必须通过犯罪记录和背景调查吗
  4. 必须能参加适度剧烈的体育锻炼
  5. 必须有有效的D类驾驶执照吗 
  6. 必须参加 一个 由SPPD主持的5小时信息发布会和面试过程. 在本次会议期间, 您将收到额外的项目信息并进行面试
参加者将获通知参加哪一节会议. All sessions will be at the SPPD Rowan Training Facility at 600 Lafayette Rd, 圣保罗. Applicants who are selected to participate in the LECPA will be contacted by the SPPD to initiate the background screening process.
  • 接受公共或房屋援助的申请人将获优先考虑.
  • 香港警务处有很强的社区参与和服务传统, so preference will be given to residents of 圣保罗 or communities within 15 miles of 圣保罗 as we seek applicants that are al读y familiar with their community.
  • Because a large population of 圣保罗 residents speak English as a secondary language, 发言的申请人将予以考虑, 读, 或者用英语以外的语言写作, 包括手语.
指挥官Jon Loretz中士Jake Bobrowski
青少年外展 & 节目策划组青年外展 & 编程器
格罗夫街367号                                                       格罗夫街367号
圣保罗,MN 55101
电子邮件: 乔恩.loretz@ci.stpaul.mn.us                             电子邮件: 雅各.bobrowski@ci.stpaul.mn.us
电话:651-266-5520                                               电话:651-266-5621
网站: www.stpaul.政府 /工作
圣保罗市是一个机会均等/平权行动的雇主. 退伍军人, 女性, 有色人种, LGBTQ社区的成员, 我们强烈鼓励残障人士申请.
个人资料的使用 & 明尼苏达州数据实践法案

As an applicant for or participant in the 圣保罗 警察 Law Enforcement Career Path Academy, 您将被要求提供归类为私人数据的信息. 根据明尼苏达数据实践法案, 您有权知道您提供的私人信息将被如何使用.
The information asked for will be used by the program's staff to determine eligibility to participate in the program. The information will be entered into a record keeping system and staff whose jobs reasonably require it will have access to the information. 其他政府和机构,包括明尼苏达州就业部门 & 经济发展部可审查有关资料,以便进行计划监测, 评价, 或审计目的.
Employment and training data may be given to other employment and training service providers to coordinate the educational and training services for you or to determine your eligibility or suitability for services from other programs. It may also be given to local and state welfare agencies for monitoring your eligibility for any assistance programs, 或由这些机构管理的任何教育或培训项目. Any other uses of the information provided will be for statistical or research purposes only, 并且不会泄露您的任何个人识别信息.
You may be asked to provide data that you are not required to give in order to qualify for program services. Failure to complete these items will not adversely affect your eligibility; however, you are encouraged to complete all of the items in order to allow for a more complete assessment by staff.
Intentional misrepresentation of information about income or employment will result in termination from the 圣保罗 警察 Law Enforcement Career Path Academy.
We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota Department of Employment & 来帮助我们评估这个项目.
在你离开这个项目之后, we will keep your information on file until the state and federal laws indicate it may be destroyed.
AmeriCorps is committed to the inclusion of all individuals without regard to disability, 比赛, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性别, 性取向, 政治派别或其他非优点因素. 根据要求提供合理的便利. 


  1. Submit a City of 圣保罗 online application, including answers to the Supplemental Questionnaire.
首次网上申请? 阅读我们的 如何申请网上指南.

不知道圣保罗市的招聘流程是如何运作的? 参加我们的Elevate课程. 日程安排在 www.stpaul.政府 /提升.



这个职位对任何符合职位要求的人开放. This is a grant funded position and is therefore not 政府erned by City Civil Service Rules.

雇佣条件: This position will require a through 圣保罗 警察 Department background check which may include criminal history and employment history as a condition of employment.  The City of 圣保罗 encourages individuals to apply for positions regardless of criminal history. 

电子邮件: jobs@stpaul.政府

为了参考这些信息,我们建议您在申请之前打印此招聘启事. 有关网上申请的技术协助,请致电 1-855-524-5627 正常营业时间.


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